Our name is now Andiel Accounting Alliance. We are part of a new international network - Gentia Alliance....
For the second consecutive month, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) reports deflation. The monthly inflation for May is -0.2%, and the annual inflation is 2.3%. Inflation since the beginning of the year is 0.4%....
Sofia was chosen as a development center in competition with 5 other destinations. Redis will initially create 75 jobs. As the company says, Bulgaria was chosen because of the extremely talented engineering staff....
There is already an approved memorandum between the Ministry of Innovation and Growth of Bulgaria and Intel Corporation. It is planned to create a partnership with the government, academic circles and industry. Intel will also train and certify teachers and mentors from Bulgaria....
Companies with variable capital are a popular form for easier attraction of investors, because they enable the investor to give a so-called convertible loan, i.e. after some time to consider whether to get his money back or to receive pre-agreed shares at a certain price. On the other ...
Such are the observations of the Professional Association for Robotics and Automation (PARA). The leading motive is the lack of labor, and the sectors in which this is happening at the fastest pace are the food and metal processing industry, as well as welding and industries related to...

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