Many professional unions and almost all employer organizations declared they are definitely against the idea to make it possible to transfer the funds in the Universal Pension Fund UPF into the National Insurance Fund. In a unprecedented mutual declaration the Association of Industrial Capital, the Bulgarian Associa...

The tax on the interest earned on deposits will become again 10% from 2015. The tax will be applied on all kinds of deposits (not only on deposits with fixed maturity terms) excluding deposits in favour of children. Meanwhile the World Bank ranked Bulgaria 89th among the countries with the heaviest tax burden in the...

The actual filing of the documents in the register will be done via the electronic services of the National Insurance Institute (NII). The second stage of the electronic process should be completed by the end of 2015. In this way the employers will be able to file data eletronically. With the introduction of the ele...

The trade between China and Bulgaria reached 1.884 billion dollars in 2013. The goods with the biggest potential for the Chinese market are wine, mineral water, agricultural and food products. Bulgaria exports also goods from engineering and electronics.


Bulgaria successfully sold 10-year eurobonds at a very low interest rate, slightly above 3%. They were bought by investors from different countries and with different profiles. Most of the investors are from Great Britain - 37%, followed by Germany and Austria with 18%. This is an indusputable success for Bulgaria t...

Sofia is the most preferred city in Europe fom people working outside the office. Advanced technologies allow more and more people to work on-line and they appreciate things like Wi-Fi, speed of internet, hospitality,  security, level of knowledge of Englishof local people, availability of cafes with Wi-Fi, etc...

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