Companies with variable capital will now be able to be registered in Bulgaria

Companies with variable capital are a popular form for easier attraction of investors, because they enable the investor to give a so-called convertible loan, i.e. after some time to consider whether to get his money back or to receive pre-agreed shares at a certain price. On the other hand, this type of company provides an opportunity to incentivize employees by participating in the distribution of profits without receiving shares with which to influence the management of the company. Currently, companies with variable capital will be able to register companies with smaller turnovers and up to 50 employees. In the future, this restriction is expected to be removed.

Accounting Services

andiel Accounting in accordance with Bulgarian and International accounting standards;

andielBooking of accounting entries for customer invoices and payments;

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Accounting and Financial Reporting

andielPreparation of standard monthly Income statement and Balance sheet as per the Bulgarian accounting legistration;

andielPreparation of monthly and quarterly management accounting reports and other reports in a format predefined by the client;

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Tax planning and tax advice

andielPreparation of an individual tax strategy for each client;

andielParticipation in tax and social security revisions of the client and registration for the applicable tax laws;

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Wages and social security

andielPayroll preparation, calculation of social security and personal income tax payments for payroll, service contracts, shareholders, directors, and preparation of the respective payment orders;

andielPreparation and submission to the respective authorities of reports and declarations on social security payments;
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Contact Address:

Sofia 1000,
 73 "Vasil Levski" blvd.

phone: +359 88 884 70 45

phone: +359 88 86З 31 73

phone: +359 2 980 13 27

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